871/0/10207 CHUDLEIGH ROAD
02-JAN-07 44 AND 46
(Formerly listed as:
A C17 (possibly C16) cross-passage house with later alterations and with a C17 cob barn and early-C19 linhay to rear, later to become a coaching inn. MATERIALS: Dressed and rubble local Heavitree sandstone, plastered cob and plain concrete tile roof. PLAN: Two-storey building with altered plan although the three room and cross-passage plan of a C17 house are discernible. The service range and cross passage is to 46 Chudleigh Road; the two bay hall and inner room are to 44 Chudleigh Road. There is a late-C20 single storey, flat-roofed extension to the rear of 44 Chudleigh Road which abuts the two-storey rear wing projection. To the rear of 46 Chudleigh Road is a C17 cob barn of stables with hayloft over; attached to this is a linhay of c. 1800. EXTERIOR: The front elevation of 46 Chudleigh Road has a central doorway with C21 casements to the ground and first floor. It has a gable end stack to its south elevation. The front elevation of the coaching inn is of three bays. The first bay has two modern windows, one on each floor, the central bay comprises a doorway with a plain timber door, beneath a lean-to porch and an informal arrangement of four modern casements. Dividing the first and central bays there is a massive lateral stack with a chamfered plinth constructed of coursed and dressed Heavitree sandstone; above there is a tall chimney shaft of modern brick. The end bay comprises a modern three-light casement above a carriage entrance formed of two tall timber doors with wrought-iron hinges set in a substantial timber frame with stone wheel deflectors at the base. The returning north elevation is of three bays and two storeys with an informal arrangement of metal and timber modern windows. At first-floor level in the gable of the main range there is a two-light, eight-pane Yorkshire-type horizontal sliding sash window of early-C19 date. The base of the stack slightly protrudes from the centre of the gable. The rear gabled elevation has a massive end stack of Heavitree sandstone with set-offs at first floor and a chamfered head below a tall shaft of modern brick. The north elevation, partly enclosed by the entrance arch, comprises three bays of modern timber and metal windows with the exception of that at first floor set within the gable of the main range which is a two-light, eight-pane Yorkshire-type horizontal sliding sash, probably of C19 date. To the rear wing is a large gable end stack of dressed and coursed Heavitree sandstone. INTERIOR: 44 Chudleigh Road contains the former hall bay with a substantial fireplace with a timber bressumer and canted Heavitree sandstone jambs, one partly rebuilt, and a transverse ceiling beam with chamfers and scroll stops. There is a modern fireplace in the southern wall dividing the inn from the cottage. The northern bar area has a substantial transverse ceiling beam with deep chamfers but no stops. There is a fireplace in the north gable wall which has been rebuilt. The roof was not inspected but may contain a C17 roof structure. The interior of No. 46 Chudleigh Road was not inspected but is believed to retain C17 joinery including doors and chamfered ceiling beams, as well as C17 ironwork such as cockshead and L-hinges. It also retains jointed-cruck roof trusses. SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: The cob barn contains A-framed trusses of pegged construction and massive chamfered floor beams with rebated joist sockets and a roughly worked door at first floor level, evidently of some age. Adjacent to the barn there is a linhay of five bays, the westernmost being enclosed with brick; the rear wall, formerly of cob, has been rebuilt in brick. Much of the timber structure survives with front posts, former floor beams tied to the wall posts with extended tenons and fixed with pegs and trusses, with pegged apexes and collars. HISTORY: Nos. 44 and 46 Chudleigh Road was identified as a former three-room C17 cross-passage house in 1980 and is recorded in the Standing Building Record held by Exeter City Council. The hall is located within 44 Chudleigh Road and the service room and cross passage within 46 Chudleigh Road. The cob barn to the rear of 46 Chudleigh Road, and now forming part of the inn, appears to be C17 and consists of a stable with hayloft over. The linhay to the rear of the cob barn is contemporary with the division of the house in circa 1800, and was probably built to provide accommodation for the carts and coaches visiting the inn. The Bell Inn was renamed the Admiral Vernon and this is confirmed by census returns of 1881 and 1891, and the first edition Ordnance Survey map of 1890. Admiral Vernon was a West Country MP and victor over the Spanish at Porto Bello in 1739. REASONS FOR DESIGNATION: Former Coaching Inn (Admiral Vernon Public House), 44 Chudleigh Road and 46 Chudleigh Road, including cob barn and linhay to rear are designated at grade II for the following principal reasons: * Architecture: they form a former C17 cross-passage house which retains a significant proption of its historic fabric including roof carpentry, joinery and ironwork.
* Planning: the plan form of the C17 cross-passage house remains legible.
* Intactness: its retention of the lateral stack to the front elevation of 44 Chudleigh Road which comprises the two bay hall.
* Subsidiary Features: the C17 cob barn and attached early C19 linhay to the rear of 46 Chudleigh Road retains most of their historic fabric and contribute to the building's special interest.
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