20-APR-07 Robert Fosset Memorial, Billing Road C
emetery II
A cemetery monument erected in 1923 and sculpted by Chalres Robinson of Kettering. Sculpted in Italian marble, it consists of a weeping horse on a rectabular, stepped and pedimented plinth,which possibly sits atop a brick-lined family vault. The horse has its head bowed and has a blanket slipping from its back to symbolise its race having been run. The horse's head originally looked down upon an open book of marble inscribed on its two pages with "TO OUR DEAR FRIEND, ROBERT FOSSETT. A TOKEN OF RESPECT FROM ALL THE ARTISTS AT E. H. BOSTOCK'S CIRCUS", but the book was subsequently removed or lost. The horse's ears have also been damaged. Each side of the plinth has raised panels with concave corners. One of the side panels is inscribed with "IN LOVING MEMORY OF ROBERT FOSSETT, WHO DIED DECEMBER 31ST 1922, AGED 72 YEARS. HE HAS PULLED IN FOR HIS LAST REST AND STILL REMAINS WITH THOSE WHO KNEW AND THOSE WHO LOVED HIM BEST. LOVED DEARLY BY ALL HIS CHILDREN." The other side panel is inscribed with IN LOVING MEMORY OF MARY, THE DEARLY BELOVED WIFE OF ROBERT FOSSETT. WHO DIED SEPTEMBER 18TH 1915, AGED 56 YEARS. THE FACE WE LOVED IS NOW LAID LOW, THE FOND TRUE HEART IS STILL, THE HAND THAT OFTEN CLASPED IN OURS, LIES NOW IN DEATH'S COLD CHILL. LIFE'S RACE WELL RUN, LIFE'S WORK WELL DONE, LIFE'S CROWN WELL WON, THEN COMES SWEET REST AT LAST. "HER CHILDREN ARISE UP AND CALL HER BLESSED."' A panel to the front is inscribed with "HENRY SON OF R. AND M. FOSSETT. DIED NOV 14TH 1890 AGED 4 MONTHS." On the front of the plinth is a carving of crossed whips and a horseshoe encircled with oak leaves. HISTORY: This memorial was erected in 1923 in memory of 'Sir' Robert Fossett, a circus owner, his wife and their son. The Fossetts are an important circus family whose continuing involvement with circuses dates back to the mid 19th century. 'Sir' Robert Fossett was one of England's best known circus owners and in his younger days was also proclaimed to be the champion bare-back rider of the world. It is said that he called himself 'Sir' in rivalry with 'Lord' George Sanger, who was one of the most successful circus entrerpreneurs of the 19th century. Apparently, the erection of this monument initially caused something of an outcry because some people thought it a pagan memorial which was inappropriate for a cemetery. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANCE: In the case of early 20th century cemetery monuments, the exuberance of the great age of Victoran cemetery monument building was replaced with greater reticence and confomity. Relatively fewer monuments from this period are listed because so few notable monuments were erected. However, this monument, which was erected in 1923 in memory of Robert Fosset, is a notable exception. Sculpted from imported Italian marble, it is a visually impressive and handsome structure, which posseses considerable sculptural merit. Its unsual design, which suggests that it did not come from a pattern book, and use of symbolism give it added architectural interest. Its association with an important circus family also gives it historic interest. It therefore fulfils the criteria for listing being both of high quality and historic interest.
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