1833/31/10175 Byker-Avondale Road
22-JAN-07 Nos. 1-63, with attached walls, pergol
as and fences
Small square and projecting terrace of houses and flats, with detached house and one pair. 1979-82 by by Ralph Erskine's Arkitektkontor; site architect Vernon Gracie; structural engineer, White, Young and Partners; main contractor, Stanley Miller Ltd. Pale brick metric modular brick construction with carefully toning mortar, concrete block internal walls; Marley Modern tiled roofs. Two storeys. Nos. 11, 13, 17-27, 31-33, 51-61 (odd) are flats. Nos. 1-13 form a terrace, with green and red first-floor balcony to no. 13, green end weatherboarding and bird box; brown eaves weatherboarding to rear. No. 15 is detached, with blue vertical weatherboarding, brick retaining walls and brown fence. Nos. 17-27 with front ramps, and a brown bird box to end wall of nos. 17-19 and nos. 25 and 27. Blue and brown vertical weatherboarding to the rear, with double porches. Nos. 29-57 form a square of three terraces. Brown bird boxes and pergolas. Nos 29, 31-45 with blue vertical weatherboarding, integral brick wall and brown fence. A green bird box to no. 47, which also has a green front fence and pergola. The frontage to the square with narrower band of blue weatherboarding at first floor and blue metal door hoods. Nos. 51-3 and 55-7 have rear vertical weatherboarding. Central shed between the lines of flats a part of the composition, with brown weatherboarding. No. 49 with bird box, and fence with central entrance which links to no. 47. Nos. 59-63 are a house and two flats, with green vertical weatherboarding, blue eaves, green fence and a bird box each side. All units have timber windows in timber surrounds with aluminium opening lights. Bright timber doors with glazed panel, some renewed in hardwood. Interiors not inspected but understood not to be of special interest. A particularly colourful design among the later parts of the estate.
The Byker area, first extensively developed in the 1890s, was earmarked for redevelopment from the late 1950s, with a new motorway to the north. In March 1967 the Housing Architect's Department proposed the building of a barrier block to shelter the area, and this idea was supported by Ralph Erskine, who was invited to develop the area for Newcastle Corporation in 1969. His Plan of Intent, published in 1970, promised a complete redevelopment programme of housing and landscaping with cost yardsticks, while maintaining the traditions and character of the neighbourhood, and to rehouse the residents without breaking family and social ties. His achievement in rehousing 40% of the original residents on the original site was exceptional, as were his methods of keeping the community informed of development and seeking their support and suggestions for the low-rise housing. In achieving these goals Erskine sought to exploit the south-facing sloping site, to develop a system of pedestrian routes through the estate and to provide a `specific "local" individuality to each group of houses.' The estate was redeveloped in a rolling programme of no more than 250 units at a time, to try to maintain the community's infrastructure. The idea was a sheltering perimeter block, which protects the estate from traffic noise and creates a micro climate, with low-rise housing in its lee. The modular metric facing brick of 290mm x 90mm x 65mm was developed by Crossley and Sons in County Durham, in collaboration with the City of Newcastle. When mortared, it forms a 12" by 4" by 3" unit. The inventiveness of the decoration, developed following the relatively muted `pilot scheme' at Janet Square, marks Byker out from other post-war housing for bringing the humane concepts of `romantic pragmatism' with its neo-vernacular details and materials to public housing in a unique way. It is probably also the greatest achievement of this important and idiosyncratic international architect. `If there is something marvellously lighthearted about the design, this I would say is the topographical keynote of the new Byker' (Architectural Design, June 1975, p.333).
Tyne and Wear Archives
Architectural Review, December 1974, pp.346-62
Mats Egelius, Ralph Erskine, Architect, Stockholm 1990, pp.148-60