1833/27/10192 Byker
22-JAN-07 1-33, with attached wa
lls, fences and pergolas Formerly Listed as:
Byker- Grace Street Perimeter Block
1-33 Bamburgh Terrace with attached wa
lls, fences and pergolas
Perimeter block of flats, continuing the line of Byker Crescent (qv). 1972-5 by Ralph Erskine's Arkitektkontor; site architect Vernon Gracie; structural engineer, White, Young and Partners; main contractor, Stanley Miller Ltd. Orange modular metric brick to Union Road, with pale brick facing estate, and banded end wall, on concrete block cross walled frame which incorporates pre-cast cantilevers for balconies and access galleries. Flat blue metal roofs. Three storeys, with access galleries incorporating planting boxes reached via stairs on perimeter east face, and balconies with splendid views to west. Brown timber access galleries with red-brown balustrading and plastic sheet roof to upper storeys, forms a two-storey frame on the eastern face of the block, complemented by timber staircase enclosure and blue timber fence and gate. The western elevation with balconies set in vertical pairs, save to flats 18, 29, and 20, and to flats 29, 30 and 31. Windows of timber in timber surrounds, with aluminium opening lights, mainly sliding. Red and blue glazed doors to eastern elevation, with red and yellow projecting kitchen ventilators. Some brown doors to garden on west elevation, and timber doors with glazed panel to balconies. Brown fences on this elevation. Interiors not inspected. Brick retaining wall to south an integral part of the composition. To the north pergola or car port, with sheet roofing on blue and brown timber frame, is an integral part of the design. This forms part of the perimeter Byker 'wall', but faces east rather than north towards the intended motorway, and its very different character reflects its quieter setting. It is attached to Byker Crescent (qv) to the north. HISTORY: see Nos 1-75 Dunn Terrace. SOURCES: see Nos 1-75 Dunn Terrace.
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Books and journals Egelius, M, Ralph Erskine Architect, (1990), 148-160 'Architectural Design' in June, (1975), 333 'Architectural Review' in December, (1974), 346-362
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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