A milestone on the Leicester to Ashby turnpike road (operational from 1753 to 1874) and probably of C18 date with a C19 plate.
Reasons for Designation
The milestone at NGR SK 3706315914, outside 96 Leicester Road, New Packington, Leicestershire, is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons: Architectural interest: * for its use of good quality stone and cast-iron to display the lettering. Historic interest: * for its association with the development of a major transport route in the C18 from Leicester to Ashby. Group value: * with the other original milestones along this route.
Turnpike roads, which levied tolls from travellers to finance road improvements, were established in the 1660s, but the main period of growth took place in the next century. Turnpike trusts were authorised by Acts of Parliament to build, maintain and operate the toll roads and the first to be set up in Leicestershire were the Loughborough to Leicester and the Harborough to Leicester Trusts in 1726. The turnpike road running from Leicester to Ashby was established in 1753 and was in operation until 1874. Milestones are marked on the route of the turnpike on John Prior’s 1777 Map of Leicestershire, and this example was the first milestone outside Ashby. It probably dates from the mid-late C18, although the cast-iron plate is likely to be a C19 addition, and is shown on the First Edition Ordnance Survey Map of 1883.
Milestone on the former Ashby to Leicester turnpike road, probably of C18 date with an iron plate added in the C19. MATERIALS: stone with a cast-iron plate. DESCRIPTION: the milestone stands on the south side of Leicester Road. It comprises a stone slab with rounded top and cast-iron plate (both painted white) with raised lettering (painted black) that reads: TO/ ASHBY/ DELAZOUCH/ 1/ TO/ LEICESTER/ 16. A triangulation benchmark is inscribed into the face of the milestone below the plate, and is also picked out in black paint.
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