29-APR-04 32
Manufactory. C.1905-10 for S.J. Levi and Co, electroplate manufacturers possibly by Martin and Martin, with late C20 alterations and additions. . Dark red/ purple brick with terracotta detailing, with flat and Welsh-slated roofs.
PLAN: rectangular courtyard plan, with entrance and office range to street and flanking workshop ranges and linking rear range enclosing rectangular courtyard, now roofed over.
EXTERIOR: Asymmetrical 6-bay elevation of 2 storeys above a basement to Regent Place with return elevations to both sides of 7 bays. Regent Place elevation with off-centre entrance bay beneath a shouldered open pediment. Deeply-chamfered semi-circular arch-headed doorway with double doors set back in a deep reveal. Stepped cornice above, with 2-light multi-pane casement window set within semi-circular arched recess and diagonally-set tile decoration above the window head. This and the wide semi-circular multi-pane window above are set within a tall arched recess formed by flanking plain pilasters and the pediment. The flanking bays are delineated by brick pilasters which rise above the parapet, and with the exception of the right hand end bay, have windows set within an arcade of semi-circular brick arches. The basement windows rise from footway level, with multi-pane lights and segmental arched heads. First floor window openings have wide, 3-light transomed and multi-paned frames beneath flat heads. Upper floor windows have 3-light, multi-pane frames within a wide semi- circular arch. Above, dentilled parapet interrupted by pilaster heads. Right-hand end bay with doorway matching that of main entrance, with a taller arch-headed opening above, and a shallow semi-circular upper floor window. Return bay to Regent Parade has a full-height recessed arch with shallow segmental arched ground floor window and a tall stair window extending to the arch head. Beyond this bay, 3 further bays with segmental arch-headed windows to basement and first floors, and semi-circular openings to the first floor. Beyond these, a further 3 bays, one with a vehicle entrance, and the end bay with twin doorways. The return elevation to the west end is similarly detailed, but has no doorways.
Forms a group with Nos. 24 and 26, Regent Place (q.v.) and No.53 Regent Place (q.v.)
A large early C20 manufactory , little altered and displaying the characteristic architectural elements of the areas' C19 manufactories using a then- contemporary architectural vocabulary. It forms part of a notable manufacturing community, now recognised as being of international significance.
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