Reasons for Designation
Spring Cottage is a good example of a C17 timber-cottage with later C17/early C18 and C19 additions. All buildings of pre-1700 date which contain a significant proportion of their original fabric are likely candidates for designation. Although the cottage has been remodelled in the later C20, a substantial amount of good quality C17 timber frame remains. The later C17/early C18 addition includes a fine chimney stack and inglenook fireplace which contributes to the special architectural interest of the cottage. The building contains a significant proportion of its original fabric and is considered to be of sufficient quality from a national perspective to fulfil the listing criteria for a building of its age and type.
24-JUL-08 Spring Cottage II
Two storey cottage of C17 date, with a later C17 or early C18 addition to the east and a C19 addition to the west. Altered L.C20 and large L.C20 single storey extension to east. Rendered timber frame, gable roof with C20 thatched covering, off-centre stack of late C17 date and C19 end stack to west. Early C17 build has a two-room plan, with a single-storey rear outshot, contemporary with the earliest framing. Façade has a central C20 door beneath gablet, flanked by 3 inserted bay windows at ground floor with 3 dormers at first. All windows are later C20 leaded-light casements. Rear elevation has a small projecting C20 porch to the east and a central C20 door, four C20 leaded-light casements. INTERIOR.
Substantial two bay pegged and jointed C17 timber frame of some quality survives largely intact at ground and first floor. Square sectioned timbers of substantial scantling include sole plate, west gable end and rear wall frames to both rooms and outshot, and the floor frames survive at ground floor. Widely chamfered axial bridging beams with lambs-tongue stops, diagonally-braced cross walls and studwork remaining. Late C17 large partially rebuilt inglenook fireplace with a chamfered bresummer, with two C17 brick infill panels to left of fireplace and jowled wall post to right. Later C17 or early C18 addition to east has transverse chamfered bridging beam and intact floor frame and partially surviving second inglenook fireplace. First floor, early C17 wall frames, cross frames, wall plates, tie beams, collar and most studwork remain and there is a blocked window in one of the rooms. First floor room of the later C17 or early C18 addition has the exposed chimney of similar date, and intact cross, rear and front wall frames. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANCE.
Spring Cottage is a good example of a C17 timber cottage with later C17/early C18 and C19 additions. All buildings of pre-1700 date which contain a significant proportion of their original fabric are likely candidates for designation. Although the cottage has been remodelled in the later C20, a substantial amount of good quality C17 timber framing remains. The later C17/early C18 addition includes a fine chimney stack and inglenook fireplace which contributes to the special architectural interest of the cottage. Listing NGR TL9408130799
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