Reasons for Designation
Westwood Farm Cottage is designated at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* The plan form of this late-C18 two bay end chimneystack cottage with C19 outshot is still readable despite an Edwardian addition of one bay to the south end;
* A significant amount of original fabric survives, including the original chestnut timber frame with some brick infill, some old tarred weatherboarding and pegtiled roof with external brick chimneystack;
* Internally there have been few alterations and surviving decorative detail includes original casements with leaded lights and pintle hinges, wooden weatherhood on brackets, straight flight staircase, an original first floor fire surround and a number of ledged plank doors with iron hinges;
* This building, probably originally a farmworker's cottage, has historic group value with the other listed buildings at Westwood farm.
03-DEC-08 Westwood
Westwood Farm Cottage GV II
Originally farmworker's cottage, now house. Late-C18, with C19 agricultural outshot and first decade of C20 addition to the south. The late-C20 brick outshot addition to the north-west is not of special interest. MATERIALS: Part brick ground floor, rendered, with chestnut timber frame clad in weatherboarding and hipped tiled roof with external brick chimneystack to the north and further brick chimneystack to south on early C20 addition. PLAN: A two bay end chimneystack cottage with central staircase and two rooms on each floor with agricultural outshot to north-west. This was modified by an early C20 addition of one bay to the south comprising ground floor parlour and further bedroom over. EXTERIOR: The front or south-east elevation of the original section has two casement windows on each floor. The ground and first floor windows of the north-west bay have late-C18 or early-C19 leaded light casement windows with pintle hinges. The other windows are C19 wooden casements within the original openings. There is a central doorcase with plain wooden hood and brackets and C20 door. Slightly set back to the south-west is the Edwardian extension of one tall storey and attic. This is weatherboarded with tiled roof with tall brick chimneystack forward of the ridge. There is a tall eight-pane sash to the ground floor and large gabled dormer above. The north-west elevation has tarred weatherboarding and an external brick chimneystack. The south-east elevation has a seven-light later C20 window across the full width of the building. The north-east elevation has a weatherboarded low lean-to outshot with tiled roof and a taller rear entrance with plank door. There is a fixed casement with eight panes to the Edwardian extension. INTERIOR: Main access was originally through the door in the south-west elevation but is now through the porch on the north-west side, which has a ledged plank door internally. The two original ground floor rooms are divided by a central straight flight staircase of which the northern partition wall retains the upright posts but not the infill panels. Both rooms have exposed chestnut ceiling beams of thin timber scantling. The fireplace to the north room has been blocked in. The other room has a brick chimneybreast with wooden bressumer and a ledged plank door. In the outshot is an original partition wall of chestnut with brick infill. The south ground floor room of the Edwardian extension has some plank panelling and a round-headed projecting chimneybreast. The first floor landing has two plank doors. The north bedroom has a cambered wooden fireplace. The Edwardian south bedroom has a south wall with plank panelling and exposed purlins and collar beams. HISTORY: The building appears to have been a circa 1780 farmworker's cottage, probably to Westwood Farm. It appears on the 1873 Ordnance Survey map and by this date has an outshot to the north-east. By the 1907 OS map the building has been extended by one bay to the south-east. REASONS FOR DESIGNATION:
* The plan form of this late-C18 two bay end chimneystack cottage with C19 agricultural outshot is still readable despite an Edwardian addition of one bay to the south;
* A significant amount of original fabric survives, including the chestnut timber frame, some old tarred weatherboarding and pegtiled roof with external brick chimneystack;
* Internally there have been few alterations and surviving decorative detail includes two original casements with leaded lights and pintle hinges, a straight flight staircase, a first floor fire surround and a number of ledged plank doors with iron hinges;
* The building, probably originally a farmworker's cottage, has historic group value with other listed buildings at Westwood Farm.
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