(South side)
Nos.1-8 (Consec) with area
railings (Formerly Listed
side) Clarendon Villas Nos
1-7 (consec))
05/08/75 GV II Eight terrace houses. Mid C19 with minor C20 alterations.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, roofs slate, pantile or concrete tile.
PLAN: Narrow frontage double depth houses stepped up hill, and with lower ground floor fully exposed at rear through slope across site. Nos 1-7 are identical, and No.8 forms stop at upper end.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys and lower ground floor, all windows plain sash, to sills on brackets. Each house has, to left, single sash at four levels, that to ground floor with floating cornice on consoles, to right is single sash above small two storey square porch with narrow paired sashes above original four-panelled door under floating cornice on consoles. Porches have on returns small light at ground floor, and blind light above, and moulded cornice with blocking that to Nos 1, 2 and 3 slightly peaked. Porch and window above stepped down half a storey relative to main fenestration. Eaves gutter set to stone modillion brackets, deep stacks to coped party division to the right of each house. Gabled lower return plain. To rear each has paired sashes at second and first floors, with deep bracketed sills having decorative cast iron cresting at first floor. Below, two-storey canted bays, hipped lead roofs, with small cast iron balconettes at ground floor level, taken completely round bay, on deep sill to brackets. Lower ground floor door, to left. Front each has moulded cornice, with shallow blocking course and parapet. Roofs slated to Nos 3,6 and 8, pantile to No.5, and concrete tile to remainder. No.8 at upper end, continues masonry from No.7 without interruption, has single and paired sash at first and second floors, with canted bay, to right, at ground level, under cornice and flat entablature, bay has cast iron sill cresting. Six-panel door has floating cornice with consoles. Return to left has double hipped roof, with sash at each floor centrally, and smaller sash near front, all with margin panes. Stack to right, combined with No.7. Rear similar to others, but with extra lights to right.
INTERIORS: Not inspected.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: Across each front is railing, with alternate hoops, on stone curb, returned at ends. Late terrace, making good use of site by locating principal rooms to rear, with best sunshine and views. Externally terrace seems unaltered. Listing NGR: ST7561864164
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