No.2 (Formerly Listed as: PARK PLACE Nos.1 AND 2)
12/06/50 GV II House. 1810-12 with C20 additions. Possibly by John Pinch the Elder.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar to front, now painted to ground floor, limestone ashlar and rubble to rear, Welsh slate double pile parapeted roof with coped verge to right front, hipped to right to rear, two ashlar left end stacks, to front with four early clay pots.
EXTERIOR: Four storeys and cellar, one-window range. First floor has one C20 two/two, six/six, two/two triple sash with broad timber mullions in plain reveal with stone sill, second floor has one similar window, third floor has one similar one/two, three/six, one/two-sash window. Ground floor has one six/six horned sash in similar reveal, to right six-panel door with reeded and raised and fielded panels in plain reveal with decorative overlight. Band course over ground floor continuous with No.1 Park Place (qv), lintel forming frieze and moulded cornice over second floor, moulded eaves cornice and coped parapet. Two wrought iron brackets to former balcony below first floor window. Rear elevation has six/six-sashes in plain reveals to each floor and half landings, with wrought iron balconette to first floor, C19 two/two horned sash to ground floor, half-glazed four-panel door and two small single storey extensions.
INTERIOR: Recorded by Bath Preservation Trust survey of interiors.
This reports the survival of numerous original fittings. Two rooms per floor. Five flight open cantilevered stone stair with plain wooden balusters, mahogany hand rail. Hall with reeded architraves, egg and dart cornice. Dining room to ground floor front with veined marble fireplace with lozenges to corners, reeded architraves to six-panel doors. Basement retains cast iron range with bread oven to front, stone surround fireplace to rear, back vault with slate lined water tank. Drawing room to first floor front with egg and dart cornice, fruit garland frieze above; reeded architraves to doors and windows; white and grey marble fireplace with curved, reeded surround and paterae. Study, first floor rear, with similar features.
HISTORY: Probably built by Edmund Gunning, carpenter. The first occupant of this house was a Mrs Vandeleur, in 1812. SOURCES: Ison W: The Georgian Buildings of Bath: Bath: 1980-: 185. Listing NGR: ST7442965753
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