(North side)
Upton House and attached conservatory
(Formerly Listed as: BATHWICK HILL
(North side) Upton House)
11/08/72 GV II Detached house and attached conservatory. c1814.
MATERIALS: Painted limestone ashlar, slate roof.
PLAN: Rectangular, with entrance on east side, and conservatory at south-west corner.
EXTERIOR: Two storeys, three+one windows, all twelve pane sashes to the first floor, and with three pairs of margin-light French doors to the ground floor, with cornices on brackets, and each to three stone steps; all these with horizontal sliding Venetian shutters. The centre bay has a broad portico on paired Roman Doric columns, with balustrade and dies. The quoins are plain, recessed, and there are lintel, frieze, blocking course and parapet, with the blocking raised at the centre on a Greek key panel. To the left is a long gabled conservatory with decorative cresting, below a twelve pane sash with shutters, and two painted stacks. At the right hand end is a smaller, unpainted stack, and the set back bay has a sash above a deep recessed doorway with floating cornice on brackets, and a six panel door with side-lights and shallow transom lights, all original, with a stone landing on two steps.
INTERIOR: Not inspected, but recorded by the Bath Preservation Trust. This reports the presence of a cantilevered stone staircase with plain banisters and a mahogany hand rail; much high quality plasterwork; reeded architraves to doors, which are largely six panel; south-facing drawing room with square arch in middle. Chimneypieces mainly replaced.
HISTORY: This may have been one of the houses leased by the Bathwick Estate in 1814 as part of the early development of the upper slopes of Bathwick Hill. It was formerly called Upland House. Listing NGR: ST7681664371
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