(North side)
Nos.14, 15 and 16 with railings
12/06/50 GV II Three terrace houses. c1730, by John Strahan, some late C18 and early C19 alterations.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, rubble to rear, slate or pantile roofs.
PLAN: Part of the original Strahan layout and detail, but some modifications to elevation.
EXTERIOR: Two storeys, attic and basement. No.14 has two two-light small-pane casement hipped dormers above two twelve pane sashes and a blind light, with a large sixteen pane in splayed surround to the ground floor, and two light casement to the basement. To the right, on two steps, a six panel fielded door with three pane transom light in moulded architrave, and with segmental pediment on fluted pilasters with consoles. No.15 has two dormers, the same, above eighteen pane sashes with heavy bars and square panes, in eared architraves, with splay to the ground floor, and cornice hoods on pulvinated friezes; the basement, in rubble, has two two-light casements in splay surrounds. To the right is door and doorway as for No.14, under a blind light, the architrave cut into at the top and sides. No.16 has two dormers, the same, above paired eighteen pane sashes with thick bars and square panes, in plain reveals, and paired two-light casements in splay surround to the basement. Doorway to the right, as No.13, with blind light above. All have a full entablature with triglyph frieze, the blocking course swept up to dies at the ends and centre of each house; the party divisions are coped, with deep stacks to the left in each. The rear is in rubble, the centre house with cornice and parapet, the others with eaves, each with a dormer, and with eighteen pane sashes.
INTERIORS: Not inspected.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: The basement areas are enclosed by simple railings on a stone curb, returned to the doorways.
HISTORY: This development of c1727 constitutes a notable attempt to create an architecturally coherent square in a style different to that of John Wood, and forms an important episode in the growth of Bath, as well as possessing great group value with the Theatre Royal. Carefully restored c1980s. SOURCES: Ison W: The Georgian Buildings of Bath: London: 1948-: 133.
Listing NGR: ST7480864882
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