656-1/41/1256 PIERREPONT STREET (West side)
7-13 Pierrepont Street (Consec) (Formerly Listed as: PIERREPONT STREET (West side) Nos 7-17 (consec) & St James's Portico & No.6 Pierrepont Place) 12/06/50 II* Houses, now in mixed use. 1740-1745. By John Wood the Elder, who describes "a row of fifth-rate houses of the grander sort". MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, painted ground floors to Nos 10-13, rusticated to No.10, with Welsh slate roofs. PLAN: Double depth plan with some rear extensions. STYLE: Palladian style. EXTERIOR: Terrace of similar houses, three storeys and three windows. No.11, which has two windows. No.13, which has four windows (see St James's Portico qv). Terrace, left hand end of unbalanced row Nos 7-17, with No.6 North Parade (qv) making twenty:three:twelve:three bays to Pierrepont Street, of which item first twenty-bays. Three storeys, attics and basements. Platband at first floor level. All windows are sashes, Nos 7-9 and 12 have all plate glass plain late C19 sashes. Nos 10 and 11 have six/six except on ground floor. No.13 has all six/six. Cornice heads to first floor windows of Nos 10, 12 and 13. First floor wrought iron balconettes to Nos 8, 10 and 11. No.7 has two/two-sashes on second floor. Nos 7 and 13 have pedimented doorcase with Doric pilasters. Nos 8-10 and 12 have pediments on console brackets. No.11 has recessed doorway in arched head. Wrought iron area railings. Nos 12 and 13 each have two six/six basement sashes, those to No.12 are original, others are Victorian and later replacements. Modillion cornice, parapet, mansard roofs, each with two flat topped dormers except Nos 10 and 12 which have one larger gabled. Ashlar stacks with most pots except No.7. Rear elevations have some extensions and windows of different periods. No.13 has four windows facing onto Pierrepont Place, all six/six sashes. INTERIORS: Not inspected. HISTORY: A part of the uncompleted John Wood scheme for the Duke of Kingston's estate on the former Abbey Orchard, 1740-1748, creating a formal link from North to South Parade, parallel with Duke St, which was to have led out to Wood's epic-scaled (and never realised) plan for a 'Royal Forum' to the south-east of the old city walls. The houses have undergone some alteration but remain an integral part of a major scheme of urban improvement. This entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 26 September 2017.
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Books and journals Colvin, H M, A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects 1600-1840, (1978), 910 Ison, W, The Georgian Buildings of Bath, (1980), 138 and 228 Mowl, T, Earnshaw, B, John Wood Architect of Obsession, (1988), 135-147
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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