656-1/58/1314 (East side)
Beechwood (Formerly Listed as: PROSPECT ROAD, Widcombe Hill Beechwood)
05/08/75 GV II Detached house. Early C19 with C20 additions.
MATERIALS: Painted limestone ashlar, some exposed stonework, slate roof.
PLAN: Compact double depth range with hipped roofs and central valley, but rear half has been partly amended with high mansard roof, at rear shallow full height porch, entered on south side, facing road.
EXTERIOR: Two storeys, part attic, main front, to garden, has three twelve-pane sashes to sill band, and with louvred shutters, plus blind light between bays two and three, and lower level has continuous glazed C20 conservatory, covering paired twelve-pane with flush stone mullion, plain sash, and glazed door. Front has cavetto cornice with blocking course and parapet, returned to road front, which has two twelve-pane sashes with shutters, above returned conservatory covering two plain sashes. To right eaves stack, C19 four-panel door to porch, under white marble panel with carved figures or suppliants at altar or table. Return face of porch has small two-light window, and main wall, set back beyond, has twelve-pane sash at each level. Above three dormer windows in mansard slope, coped behind original hipped end. Outer end, unpainted, has cantilevered C20 projection.
INTERIOR: Not inspected. Listing NGR: ST7651063675
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