(West side)
Nos. 1 and 2
(Formerly Listed as: LANSDOWN ROAD
(West side) Eye Infirmary)
11/08/72 GV II Originally two houses, then Bath Eye Infirmary, now flats. Late C18, with various later alterations, particularly wing to right containing entrance to two probably added mid C19 (possibly c1861), further C20 wing to right of that.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar with Welsh slate roofs.
PLAN: Originally two interlocking L-shaped houses with one facing Montpelier (now part of No.1) and another facing Belvedere (now with entrance to No.1, but partly No.2). Amalgamated into Eye Infirmary, in 1895, and extended to right, now entrance to No.2.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, basement and attic. The irregular Belvedere frontage has ten bays, two:three:three:two, two left hand bays are set slightly back, next six bays were once one house with three bays to right as semicircular bow, final two bays are C19 extension to Eye Infirmary. Ground floor has two six/six sashes. Doorway with six panel door, rectangular light over, and Doric pedimented doorcase, four six/six sashes, doorway with flat hood on console brackets, six/six sash. Platband to first floor level. Second floor has nine six/six sashes, first two have combined wrought iron balcony, next three have dropped sills. Second floor has nine sashes of which first five are four/four sashes and others are six/six. All windows have plain reveals. Modillion cornice, parapet, only visible parts of roof are gambrel with single six/six flat topped dormer over left two bays and half gambrel over bow, roof protected by decorative cast iron railing. Right hand extension has additional attic storey, blind to Belvedere elevation. Small stack on left hand corner and tall one between bays eight and nine. Basement has three plain sashes to bow. Montpelier elevation of four bays. Rear elevation not seen.
INTERIOR: Not inspected.
HISTORY: This building was for many years the Bath Eye Infirmary, No.2 from c1861, No.1 was added in c1895. The eye infirmary was established under the presidency of Earl Camden in c1811; its first premises were situated in Bath Street, later moving to Bladud buildings. Another similar establishment was built on the London Road. Listing NGR: ST7493165446
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