(East side)
Belvedere Villas Nos. 1-4
(consec) and attached forecourt
wall and railings
(Formerly Listed as: LANSDOWN ROAD
(East side) Belvedere Villas
Nos. 1-4 (consec))
05/08/75 GV II Four terrace houses, formerly `Belvedere House'. Late C18, heightened and converted into four houses, c1868 with C20 alterations. By Thomas Baldwin.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar to front, ashlar and rubble to rear; double pile roof, Welsh slate to front and rear, with area of flat felt roof to rear left, has two rubble left end stacks, two ashlar right end stacks, four ashlar ridge stacks.
EXTERIOR: Four storeys and basement; eight window front. First floor has two six/six horned sashes to left (No.4), six plate glass horned sashes (Nos. 1-3), in plain reveals to centre, those to extreme left and to extreme right with incised panel over in ovolo moulded architrave in raised surround with leaf capitals to implied quarter pilasters with frieze and moulded cornice with blocking course over. Second floor has two six/six horned sashes to left (No.4), six plate glass horned sashes (Nos. 1-3) in plain reveals. Third floor has eight C19 and C20 two light casements in plain reveals with incised panels over (these, in 2002, include UPVC windows). Ground floor has six/six horned sash to left (No.4), three plate glass horned sashes (Nos. 1-3) in plain reveals with splayed jambs; four C19 doors each with two round headed moulded panels and plate glass overlight in plain reveals with dentil cornices on heavy moulded console brackets, to centre (Nos. 2-3) paired, forming hoods over. Basements have six/six and plate glass sashes. Rusticated plinth; rusticated quoin strips continued to ground floor at angles of shallow breaks forward forming single bay pavilions to left and right; moulded cornice over ground floor forming sill band to first floor; now with continuous C19 cast iron cresting forming window box front; small moulded cornice over first floor; pavilions have moulded sill band to second floor, each marked by pair of flanking fluted pilasters with leaf capitals rising through first floor and second floor with entablature with dentil cornice, continuous over second floor, and shallow pediments over pavilions; moulded sill band to third floor possibly coping to former parapet with recessed panel to centre with relief lettering BELVEDERE VILLAS; moulded stone brackets supporting eaves gutter. Rear elevation partially visible has C19 and C20 plate glass sashes and small casements.
INTERIOR: Not inspected, but that of No.4 recorded by Bath Preservation Trust in 1972. This reports the survival of a cantilevered wooden staircase, five flights high, with mahogany handrail, six panel doors, early C19 plasterwork.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: Attached forecourt wall to left in ashlar with third window at ground floor level; architrave over ground floor, shallow round headed alcove at first floor level with plinth for tall narrow urn now in garden of No.1 Belvedere Villas. Frieze and moulded coping to wall in form of cornice. C19 railings to areas; cast iron railings with spear heads and trellis panels to piers on limestone bases to front. Listing NGR: ST7496265501
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