656-1/41/1513 (East side)
Nos.12-16 (Consec)
and attached area railings and gates Formerly Listed as:
Nos 3-16 (consec) Southcot Place)
12/06/50 GV II Five terrace houses. 1817.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, concrete tile roofs.
EXTERIOR: Short terrace, with double roof and central valley, at right angles to Nos 3-11 (qv), forming east side of open square, houses stepped to slope across site, and also generate extra storey to rear through fall in site. Three storeys and basement, each single window fronts, all with plain sash except No.16 which has nine pane and small plain sash at second floor, and extra small sash at first floor. Each house has doorway to right, except No.12, to left, with original panelled doors under decorative fanlights (plain to No.15), in plat surrounds with keystone. Each also has large sixteen-pane sash to basement area. First floor platband, flat cornice, blocking course and parapet all stepped. Left gable end plain, lowest level being in coursed stone, right return has two small sashes, centre. Four pairs of large ridge stacks. Rear has full wall height exposed, and windows mainly glazing bar sashes, with dropped sashes at staircases. Nos 12 and 15 have small extensions.
INTERIORS: Not inspected. No.16 recorded by Bath Preservation Trust Interiors Survey, reports survival of cantilevered stone stair, reeded arch to hall, reeded plaster ceiling bands, some chimney pieces.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: Across full frontage spiked railings on small curb to basement areas, returned at openings, and with some gates to steps to basement level. Listing NGR: ST7538564162
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