(West side)
No.54 The Priory
(Formerly Listed
(West side)
The Priory)
05/08/75 GV II Detached villa. Early C19.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, slate roofs.
EXTERIOR: Compact symmetrical picturesque Tudor design, with gabled front range to three hipped ends at rear, to right lower return wing set behind and partly passing across rear, and gabled former coach-house. Two storeys, main front has one window each side of set back centre, each with gable, two-light casements in chamfered surrounds with prominent drip courses with dropped ends, ground floor French casements, with transom. Centre section has casement in pointed arch with drip, above projecting hexagonal porch with open four-centred arches on doorway. Porch has buttresses with gabled heads, and crenellated parapet. Front has cornice mould and moulded parapet, with four panelled octagonal corner pinnacles with prominent cappings. To left and right large ridge stacks, with five diagonal shafts set to square bases. Left return has one storey canted bay with stone mullions and crenellated parapet under single casement with drip, all to broad flat gable with end pinnacle, to left, slightly set back, gabled wing and early conservatory. Right return is similar, but with broad square ground floor bay with paired lights, and crenellated parapet. Continues with gabled rear wing, including staircase light, but with corner turret, continued as two-storey low wing, with two two-light casements at each level, attached to and continuing lower range, former coach house, with slated gable roof to eaves, and various new or replacement lights. Rear has various casements, in four bays, and low wing has an eaves stack.
INTERIOR: Not inspected. A grand villa set high above the road in extensive garden, and at the upper end of the development of the west side of Lyncombe Hill. Listing NGR: ST7544563832
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