(East side)
Nos.59 AND 61 and
attached railings
11/08/72 GV II Pair of houses. Early C19 with C20 alterations.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, slate roofs.
PLAN: Single depth houses with gabled roofs, returning to left in Forefield Rise, which falls steeply downhill, rear of property thus generates extra storey.
EXTERIOR: Two storeys, attic and lower ground floor, each two windows, with added bay to far right, mainly twelve-pane sash, modified at ground floor in No.59, with large sixteen-pane at each level in slightly set back extra bay. No.59 has large C20 two-light dormer, two-light attic casement to right gable. Outer bay in each house has panelled, part-glazed door to segmental head, in double sunk surround. Ground floor channelled, under deep platband, cornice, blocking course and parapet, with large ashlar central ridge stack. Rear to No.59 has C20 dormer above two plain sashes above two sixteen-pane at two levels, formerly covered by tent veranda, lattice armature, valences and brackets only now remain. No.61 has paired twelve-pane dormer above single eight-pane, two large sixteen-pane, and French doors, added bay has eight/twelve/eight-pane. Mid platband, cornice, blocking course and parapet.
INTERIORS: Not inspected.
C20 side walls link to square ashlar piers, with low wall between with wrought iron railings and gates. Listing NGR: ST7547363951
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