(South side)
Nos.12A AND 13 with boundary walls and
gate piers
Nos.1-15 AND 17-21 (Consec))
05/08/75 GV II Two terrace houses. c1800-1804 with C19 and C20 alterations. Possibly by Charles Harcourt Masters.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, painted to No. 12A, slate roofs.
PLAN: Double depth plan compact block, entered from south side, with principal elevation and garden to north.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, two windows each. No. 12A has glazing bar sashes, tripartite eight:twelve:eight sash at second floor above Venetian windows, with paired twelve-pane at ground floor. To right lower, slightly set back wing, in two storeys, with glazing bar Venetian window at each floor. No. 13 similar upper floors, but without glazing bars. Ground floor has mid C19 hipped canted bay with plain sash, and to left further three storey bay has plain single sashes above part-glazed door with plain fanlight in pilasters, with raised band and keystone. Centre two bays have outer channelled pilaster strips, and ground floor platband, lintel, shallow frieze, cornice, blocking course and parapet across full front. Large square stacks are centred to hipped roof. Rear in coursed rubble with double Roman tile hipped roof, with various sashes. No. 12A has two-storey addition with two doors, and No. 13 C20 door with hood, three-storey addition with paired sashes, at ground floor with glazing bars.
INTERIORS: Not inspected.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: Each house has pair of plain square ashlar gatepiers, with moulded cappings and single urn to No. 13, linked by low boundary walls in coursed work to plain copings, and with return walls at party boundaries.
Part of very long speculative row, with many variations, but retaining substantial original detail, especially to No. 12A, in north fronts. Listing NGR: ST7475163541
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