(East side)
Nos.1, 2 AND 3
05/08/75 GV II Three terrace houses. Late C18/early C19 with late C19 addition.
MATERIALS: Painted limestone ashlar, slate or concrete tile roofs.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, attic and basement, each single window, in varied detail.
No. 1, with concrete tile roof, has raking dormer with sash above tripartite eight:twelve:eight-pane sash, above plain Venetian window. Ground floor, pair of large plain sashes and panelled door in reeded pilasters and cornice, on three steps. To left, area with steps to basement door and paired replacement sash. Attached, left, late C19 gabled two-storey house. No. 2 has dormer with paired sash over plain tripartite sash. First floor has three deep casement doors under tent veranda roof on four standards and original reticulated railing, with balcony slab on brackets, paired plain sash to ground floor, and panelled door in reeded pilasters. No. 3 has paired sash-raking dormer over paired sashes at each floor, with square porch and door with narrow transom light to right, and glazed lean-to above basement light. Return gable, right, has small sash near front at first and second floors, rendered. Attached single storey gabled workshop with high strip glazing and garage doors. Rear additions. Coped party walls have deep ashlar stacks.
INTERIORS: Not inspected, but No. 2 partially inspected by Bath Council 1986.Very good Regency fireplace on 1st floor with Regency grate and brass enrichment.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: Centre house has walls brought forward, with swept coping, from each side, to square rusticated pier with square urn, left, and round headed pier, right. Between, gate and spear head railings including dog-bars on an ashlar curb wall. Listing NGR: ST7483863587
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