656-1/40/1724 (North side)
Broadleys Vaults Public House (Formerly Listed as:
Broadleys Vaults Public House
and Gascoyne House)
11/08/72 GV II Public house, restaurant. c1789.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, slate roof.
PLAN: Wide-frontage shallow property, with high mansard roof, short return to Barton Street, where it abuts former Trim Street Unitarian Chapel (qv).
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, attic and basement. Main front comprises a pair of tripartite windows flanking a central single bay over door. Windows mainly twelve-pane sashes. Small central dormer and flanking dormers with paired casements, all with glazing bars, above central sash flanked by tripartite sashes, those at second floor having blind lights each side of twelve-pane, and at first floor with full width pediments formed by slight raised mouldings, right hand window with blind outer lights. Ground floor has further tripartite window with blind outer lights, and smaller tripartite with plain sash to right. Centred panelled door with deep transom light. Small plinth, dying to right, platband above ground floor, sill bands to first and second floors, and frieze with cornice, blocking course and parapet, all returned to small splay, with blind lights at each level, and to left, with blind lights at second and first floors. On the splay and the short return the platband carries parish boundary markers S M P and S P P P. Right hand end has coped party division, with large stack, and further stack to rear, left.
INTERIOR: Not inspected.
HISTORY: The property faces Saw Close, and is an important element in the total ensemble there including the Theatre Royal (qv). It was formerly part of a longer terrace (see also Gascoyne House), broken by a later refacing to the central range in the street. Listing NGR: ST7488364869
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