656-1/30/2476 (East side)
Nos.2 AND 3 (Formerly Listed as:
No.1 (Park View House)
& Nos 2-8 (consec))
12/06/50 GV II Pair of houses, part of irregular terrace, stepped uphill from No.2 to right. c1780. Probably developed by John Wood the Younger.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar with rubblestone right return, double pitched slate mansard roofs with moulded stacks to left party walls.
PLAN: Double depth plans.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys with attics and basements, each house with three bay ground floors, single tripartite window to upper floors. Nos 2 and 3 have continuous slightly returned coped parapet, stopped coved cornice, ground floor platband stepped up to No.3. No.2 has paired dormers, splayed reveals, two six/six-pane sash windows to the second floor. Former Venetian window to first floor now replaced with a narrow late C19 canted bay with Jacobean style fretted cresting opening onto early C19 balcony spanning facade that has cyma swept canopy on four wrought iron trellised supports and lead ornament to railings. Six/six-pane sash windows to ground floor, eight/eight-pane sashes to basement all without horns. To right, a painted stone pedimented Tuscan doorcase with engaged columns and five-panel door glazed to top. No.3 has higher pitched roof that No.2, horned plate glass sash windows (six/six-panes to basement), two dormers, tripartite window to second floor, former first floor Venetian window now has narrow flat roofed canted bay to centre with balconette. Doorcase to right, similar to that of No.2, unpainted as six-panel door, glazed to top.
INTERIORS: Not inspected, but Bath Preservation Trust's Survey of Interiors has recorded No.3 (1996). This notes The survival of a plain, six-flight wooden stair; alcoves with shelves flanking grey veined marble fireplace and moulded plaster cornice to ground floor front; similar alcoves to both first floor rooms, either side of grey marble fireplaces, and to second floor bedrooms also. No.2 was restored in 1979-80 by John Mosse, architect. Listing NGR: ST7459465358
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