(North West side) Nos.17-21 (Consec)
05/08/75 GV II Five terrace houses. c1780-1790 with C19 and C20 alterations.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, some coursed and squared work to rear, slate roofs.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, attic and basement, each one window, all sashes, with tripartite to first and second floors, and hipped dormer with paired sash. Each house has five-panel door in architrave and flat hood on pilasters with consoles. No.17 has all plain sashes, with single to ground floor, and door to left. Return to James Street has blind and plain sash at first and second floors, with plain ground floor, and double hipped mansard end behind parapet. No.18 has twelve-pane sashes to dormer, with eight:twelve:eight-pane to first and second floor, and sixteen-pane sashes at ground floor, with door to left (this appears to be original layout). No.19 similar, with plain sash to first floor, and with C20 display window and door to right. No.20, paired with No.19, has twelve-pane sashes to dormer, but plain below and display window as No.19. No.21 differs from remainder, with single plain sash dormer above two plain sashes of differing widths to first and second floors, and single to ground floor with door to right. Plinth, basement areas have been filled and covered. Platband above ground floor, and sill band to first floor to Nos 17-19 only. First floor windows extend downwards at first floor to Nos 20 and 21. Moulded parapet with blocking course and parapet runs full width, returning to James Street front. Three ashlar ridge stacks, with coped party divisions, and a gabled right end. Rear develops to four full floors, and each house has single hipped dormer. Below various twelve-pane sashes and some plain, and No.21 has tripartite window at each level. Windows to ground and first floors have thin straight drips. Some doors to basement level, and No.20 has later extension.
INTERIORS: No. 17 Inspected by Bath Council 1992. Original front door, fireproofed C20, with semi-arches either side. Hall retains some of the original cornices and staircase, blocked in with door to offices. Second floor front has good mid to late C19 marble fireplace, the second has the surround only. First floor front, plain sash window with a triptych at the front. The house was converted to offices in the late C20, and many of the features have been blocked in. No. 19 partially inspected by Bath Council 1986. The ground floor front room has reproduction cornices, c20 bow window and doors, original cornices at rear. Original cornices and staircase in hall, with Doric newels and colonnettes. Listing NGR: ST7463464812
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