656-1/0/0 (North side)
Nos.13A-17 (Consec) (Formerly Listed as: HATFIELD BUILDINGS, Widcombe Hill No.13A. Nos 14-17 (consec))
05/08/75 GV II Five terrace houses. c1820.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, concrete tile roofs.
PLAN: Double depth plan.
EXTERIOR: Two storeys, all windows sashes. No.13a, which was probably added slightly later than others (toothed joint and differing masonry), twelve-pane at each floor, set back, single twelve-pane above open square portico with plain Doric columns to heavy entablature, and part-glazed door with margin panes. To left of ground floor window sunk arched recess, perhaps former door. Remaining houses each have paired sashes at first floor, and single below, mainly plain or four-pane, but twelve-pane to No.16, and replacement to No.17, which also in painted ashlar. To left, in each, arched doorway, with panelled door and fanlight. No.14 has deep square trellis timber porch, with flat roof at transom level. Continuous sill band, with balconette to No.14, lintel, frieze, cornice, blocking course and parapet, and ashlar stacks to right of each house. Rear painted, with hipped eaves roof, with some additions, and outer end double gabled, painted black.
INTERIORS: Not inspected. Part of a larger group (qv Nos 1-8, 9-13 and 18) around a square, open to north. Listing NGR: ST7568764247
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