(West side) Nos.20-28
05/08/75 GV II Nine terrace houses. c1820 with C20 additions.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, tile or concrete tile as detailed.
PLAN: Small double depth houses, set at right angles to main Lower Bristol Road, probably of one build, but Nos 25 and 26 slightly higher than those each side.
EXTERIOR: Two storeys, each two windows, all sashes. No.20 has painted ashlar and concrete tile, plain sash, C20 door, and plain double gabled return to right. No.21, with concrete tile, has twelve pane window, six panel door. No.22 rendered, with concrete tile, plain sash and C20 door. No.23 has pantile roof, plain sash in splayed surrounds and C20 door. No.24 rendered, with pantile roof, four pane sash and C20 door. Common first floor sill band, cornice, blocking course and parapet, coped party divisions and ashlar stacks. Nos 25 and 26, higher than and set at slight angle to preceding five houses, have pantile roofs, No.25 with replacement windows, and No.26 with four pane, but blank to first floor left, each has C20 door to left. Nos 27 and 28 are best retained of group, ground floor painted, with twelve pane sashes, larger to ground floor, and six panel doors. Other details as for Nos 20-25. Rear not visible, some extensions.
INTERIORS: Not inspected.
HISTORY: A modest row on the edge of the Georgian city, continued in Nos 33-38 (qv) beyond railway line which bisected the development fairly soon after its initial construction. Listing NGR: ST7468964397
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