(South side)
No.21 with railings (Formerly Listed as:
17-26 (Consec))
12/06/50 GV II Terrace house. c1770.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, rubble rear, slate mansard roof.
PLAN: Double depth plan, with wider front than rear, at change in direction of party divisions.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, attic and basement, developed as full four storeys to rear with fall in site. Two windows, all glazing bar sashes, paired twelve-pane dormer above twelve-pane, modified fifteen-pane at first floor, and paired twelve-pane to ground floor and basement, all these in splayed surrounds. To left original six-panel door in stone Doric pilaster doorcase with closed pediment. Plinth, first floor platband, moulded cornice, blocking course and parapet, coped party divisions and deep ashlar stacks to right. Straight joint at junction with No.20, and break in continuity of details. To left No.22 stepped forward slightly. Rear, slightly inset from No.20, narrow two bays, with varied lights, in full four storeys, staircase windows to right at half levels, roof includes small single and large two-light casement dormer, in mansard roof lower than that to No.20. Coursed rubble walling, but ashlar parapet.
INTERIOR: Not inspected.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: Enclosing basement area to front are simple spearhead railings on ashlar curb to rounded top. Part of terrace, with variations which reflect speculative nature of original development.
Listing NGR: ST7442564950
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