Reasons for Designation
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WENDRON 1533/0/10032 Milestone circa 180m north-east of Win
14-FEB-11 dy Ridge GV II
DESCRIPTION: The milestone dates from circa 1833, and is of stone. It is triangular in plan and set on a rectangular base, with broach stops to the corners. The milestone stands approximately 0.83m high, and is painted white. The stone is inscribed to the left face with the letters HELSTON / 2 / PENZANCE / 15, and to the right face FALMOUTH / 10 / TRURO / 14 ¾ which are picked out in black paint, apart from the ¾ mark which is incised only. The base of the stone is painted black. HISTORY: From the mid-C18 onwards, turnpike trusts were encouraged to provide markers such as milestones and mileposts on the stretches of roads they operated. The Helston Turnpike Trust, was established by Act of Parliament in 1760, and set up turnpike routes from Falmouth, through Penryn to Helston and Marazion, between then and 1765. As early as 1766, the trust's minute book records unsatisfactory inscriptions on milestones, which already required re-cutting. Stylistically, this milestone does not appear to date from the C18, but is identical to milestones set up by the same trust on a new section of the road west of Helston, at Breage, in 1833; it is therefore most likely that this stone, and the others like it on the earlier section of the route, date from circa 1833, replacing the unsatisfactory C18 stones. The road on which the stone stands was recently slightly re-aligned, and the section on which this milestone stands was turned into a lay-by. The milestone is marked in its present location on the first edition Ordnance Survey map of 1880. REASONS FOR DESIGNATION:
The milestone circa 180m north-east of Windy Ridge at Wendron is designated at Grade II, for the following principal reasons:
* Intactness: It is an intact milestone dating from 1833, which remains in its original position
* Group Value: it has group value with another listed milestones along this turnpike route
* Historic Interest: it testifies to the great wave of C18 road improvement, undertaken by Turnpike Trusts
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