A war memorial, erected circa 1921, by an unknown architect.
Reasons for Designation
The war memorial at Toddington is listed at Grade II, for the following principal reasons:
* Historic interest: as an eloquent witness to the tragic impact of world events on this community;
* Architectural interest: for the quality of the design and craftsmanship of this sombre and dignified memorial, and for its unusually elaborate architectural form.
The memorial was erected circa 1921, at the expense of Hugh Andrews (circa 1832-1926) and his wife Isabel (also called Isabella, 1843-1935), who had purchased Toddington Manor in 1900, and in whose possession the estate would remain until its sale in 1936 following Isabella’s death. The memorial would have been erected circa 1921, in common with most other village memorials; it appears for the first time on the Ordnance Survey map for the area published in 1923. It was set up in a prominent location at the crossroads of the two main roads through the village, on land just south of the former village reservoir. The memorial incorporates a quote from ‘The Empire’s Heroic Dead 1914-1918’, a poem by James Rhoades (1841-1923), the English poet, mystic and author.
A war memorial, circa 1921, architect unknown. MATERIALS: Portland stone. DESCRIPTION: the memorial takes the form of a short, wide column with a moulded cap surmounted by an orb finial, the whole set on a square base above a platform of two steps. The upper part of the column is encircled by a finely-carved laurel wreath. The lower part of the shaft carries a moulded oval cartouche surrounded by palm leaves, within which is inscribed: TO / ENGLAND’S / HEROES / 1914 - / 1919, picked out in black lettering. The square base is similarly inscribed to its front face: THEIR SHRINES STAND ON EVERY HIGHWAY / WHOSE LAMPS OF REMEMBRANCE ABIDE / FED WITH LOVE FROM THE HEART-SPRINGS OF ENGLAND / AND LIT FROM THE TORCH OF HER PRIDE. This is an extract from James Rhoades’ poem ‘The Empire’s Heroic Dead 1914-1918’. The rear of the base is inscribed: ERECTED BY / HUGH AND ISABEL ANDREWS / TODDINGTON. The area immediately surrounding the memorial is paved, and the wider setting is a small garden with flanking walls, trees and shrubs. This List entry has been amended to add the source for War Memorials Online. This source was not used in the compilation of this List entry but is added here as a guide for further reading, 10 January 2017.
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