War memorial commemorating losses of the First and Second World Wars.
Reasons for Designation
Esher Memorial Cross, which stands on Esher Green, is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Historic interest: as an eloquent witness to the tragic impact of world events on the local community, and the sacrifice it made in the conflicts of the C20;
* Group value: the memorial has group value with the Grade II-listed Christ Church.
Esher Memorial Cross was erected to commemorate those men lost during the First World War. Seventy-nine names from the First World War were recorded, and at a later date 47 names from the Second World War were added.
Esher Memorial Cross stands on Esher Green near the junction of Lammas Lane and Church Street opposite Christ Church. The 3m tall memorial comprises a stone cross, which rises from a crown, itself set at the head of a tapering column. The column is set on an octagonal plinth surmounting a stone base of four steps. A single railing runs around the lowest, deepest, step. The plinth bears a series of bronze plaques bearing names that alternate with panels of incised stone. The First World War text reads: THE GREAT WAR 1914-1919/ THOSE WHOM THIS CROSS/ COMMEMORATES WERE/ NUMBERED AMONG THE/ MEN WHO AT THE CALL/ OF KING AND COUNTRY/ LEFT ALL THAT WAS DEAR/ TO THEM, ENDURED/ HARDSHIP, FACED DANGER/ AND FINALLY PASSED OUT OF THE SIGHT OF MEN/ BY THE PATH OF DUTY/ AND SELF SACRIFICE/ GIVING UP THEIR OWN/ LIVES THAT OTHERS/ MIGHT LIVE IN FREEDOM/ LET THOSE WHO COME/ AFTER SEE TO IT THAT/ THEIR NAMES BE NOT/ FORGOTTEN Dates were added for the Second World War along with the following inscription dedicated to the 47 names recorded: 1939-45/ IN EQUAL HONOUR/ THESE ALSO DIED/ FOR FREEDOM The memorial stands on a paved area set within small flower beds on the edge of Esher Green, reached from the pavement by two low steps. Eight low posts carry a chain surrounding the memorial.
This List entry has been amended to add sources for War Memorials Online and the War Memorials Register. These sources were not used in the compilation of this List entry but are added here as a guide for further reading, 5 December 2016.
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