A war memorial of 1920 erected by and for the Maclean family in recognition of sacrifices made during the First World War.
Reasons for Designation
The Maclean War Memorial at Cradley is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons: Historic interest: * it is an eloquent witness to the tragic impact of world events on the local community, and the sacrifice made by the Maclean family in the First World War. Architectural interest: * it is a well-detailed war memorial in the form of a Latin cross. Group value: * it has group value with the Rectory, its stables and garden wall (all listed at Grade II) and the Church of St James (Grade II*) and its lychgate (Grade II).
The aftermath of the First World War saw the biggest single wave of public commemoration ever with tens of thousands of memorials erected across England. This was the result of both the huge impact on communities of the loss of three quarters of a million British lives, and also the official policy of not repatriating the dead: therefore the memorials provided the main focus of the grief felt at this great loss. One such memorial was raised at Cradley as a permanent testament to the sacrifice made by four members of the same family who lost their lives in the First World War. On 12 August 1919, Cradley Parish Council received a letter from Mrs Maclean of Castle Street, Hereford, formerly of Halesend, Cradley, requesting permission to erect a memorial on the village green in memory of her two sons and two grandsons killed in the war. This request was approved by the Parish Council and on Wednesday 21 April 1920 the memorial was unveiled by Mrs Maclean and dedicated by the rector, Reverend W L B Janvrin. As well as the four members of the Maclean family, the memorial also commemorates two of their friends. The memorial stands in a prominent roadside position on the village green, close to the Rectory, its stables and garden wall (all listed at Grade II).
A war memorial of 1920 date. MATERIALS: constructed of Portland stone. DESCRIPTION: comprising a plain Latin cross on a square plinth and a three-stepped square base. The memorial stands approximately 4.2m high. The main inscription in incised lettering on the plinth reads: (west face) TO THE PRAISE OF GOD/ AND IN GLORIOUS MEMORY/ OF/ (4 NAMES)/ 1914–1919/ THEIR NAME LIVETH FOR EVERMORE/ (east face) IN MEMORY OF ALL THOSE/ WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES/ FROM THIS PARISH AND/ WHOSE NAMES ARE ON THE/ TABLET IN THE CHURCH/ ALSO OF/ (2 NAMES). A bronze plaque attached to the south face of the plinth bears the following inscription in raised lettering: THIS MONUMENT WAS UNVEILED IN APRIL 1920/ BY MRS FRANCES MACLEAN, WIDOW OF/ GENERAL HENRY MACLEAN OF THE HALESEND,/ IN MEMORY OF THEIR SONS IVAN AND ALEC/ AND GRANDSONS FRANK ABBOTT/ AND HECTOR MACLEAN, WHOSE PARENTS WERE MARRIED IN CRADLEY CHURCH./ LIEUT PEEL CORBIN WAS A FAMILY FRIEND AND/ CPL. HARRY LANE ASSISTED CAPT. IVAN MACLEAN/ (REGIMENTAL MEDICAL OFFICER TO THE 2ND/ BN. RIFLE BRIGADE) TO RESCUE AND TEND/ WOUNDED MEN WHO HAD FALLEN/ AHEAD OF THE FRONT LINE.
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