A chest tomb dedicated to Mary Anna Haddock in 1688.
Reasons for Designation
The tomb of Mary Haddock, a chest tomb erected in 1688, is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons: Historic interest: * it commemorates Mary Haddock and is relatively unusual as a single memorial to a named woman of this date. Architectural interest: * as an exceptionally early example of a churchyard memorial;
* for the craftsmanship evident in the carved panels, posts, and tomb slab. Group value: * the tomb has group value with the Grade II* listed church of St Clement, and with two nearby tombs dedicated to William Goodlad (Haddock's father), and Mary Ellis, both of which are also listed at Grade II.
Churchyards have been used for burial for many centuries. Medieval churchyard memorials and early post-Reformation outdoor tombs are extremely rare. People of the monument-raising ranks usually opted to be laid to rest inside the church, a situation which only began to change in the later C17. Early Modern outdoor survivals show how the middling orders were beginning to erect quite ambitious tombs which drew on the tradition of internal church monuments. Mary Anna Haddock was the daughter of William Goodlad (1576-1639). She was born 10 October 1602 in the parish of Cripplegate, London. She married into the Haddock family of prominent seafarers. Her son, Richard Haddock (1629-1715), was knighted in 1675 and made an Admiral in 1690 (two years after Mary Anna's death). The family name and its naval tradition were drawn upon by Hergé for the character of Captain Haddock in his 'Adventures of Tintin' comics. Mary Anna Haddock died on 6 January 1688 and her tomb was erected in an adjacent plot to her father's in the churchyard of St Clement, Leigh on Sea.
A chest tomb dedicated to Mary Anna Haddock in 1688. MATERIALS Limestone. PLAN Orientated on an east to west axis. It lies in line with the east end of the south aisle. DESCRIPTION A stone chest tomb, with ogee-profile corners, Classical mouldings, and framed panels on each side. The original inscription is no longer legible.
Other Applicant supplied sources
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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