Collection: Early 20th Century Glass Plate Collection

Early 20th century
Collection containing Photographic material
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The collection consists of 72 glass plate negatives. Coverage includes 1908-1909 balloon photos, mainly taken over Central London, various groundshots of aircraft and of the Spithead Naval Review, portraits of Sir Norman Lockyer, his son William James Lockyer, Lt A .E .Fallon, overseas aerial views in Egypt 1918 around Suez, ground shots of various groups in Egypt and ground shots of motorbikes/cars in England.

The balloon glass plates were taken by Dr James Lockyer, and formed part of the ballooning glass plate collection at the Norman Lockyer Observatory until 1987, when they were sold at auction. Sir Norman Lockyer was James Lockyer's father. James continued working at the observatory following his father's death in 1920.

The aerial images have been catalogued onto the AirPhotonet database system. Portraits and ground shots have been catalogued onto the AMIE database.


This Collection is divided into 37 Child Records
This Collection contains the following materials:
Photograph (Negative): 72


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Person of historic interest/notable pers: Lockyer, William James Stuart

Person of historic interest/notable pers: Lockyer, Joseph Norman