Collection: Kenyon, K: Excavation Archive

20th Century
Wroxeter And Uppington, Wroxeter Roman City, Shropshire
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St. Michael, St. Albans, Hertfordshire
Calleva Atrebatum, Mortimer West End, Silchester, Basingstoke And Deane, Hampshire
Calleva Atrebatum, Pamber, Basingstoke And Deane, Hampshire
Calleva Atrebatum, Silchester, Basingstoke And Deane, Hampshire
Corinium Dobvnnorum, Cirencester, Cotswold, Gloucestershire
Credenhill Hillfort, Credenhill, County Of Herefordshire
Dinedor Camp, Dinedor, County Of Herefordshire
Lindum Colonia, Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Ratae Coritanorum, City Of Leicester
Sutton Walls, Sutton, County Of Herefordshire
The Bulwarks, Breedon On The Hill, North West Leicestershire, Leicestershire
The Wrekin, Little Wenlock, Telford And Wrekin
Collection containing Photographic, Graphic, Textual and Miscellaneous material
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The collection contains excavation archive relating to a number of Roman sites. Some of the material is stamped "University of London, Institute of Archaeology Library". The collection also contains 1 pot sherd.

Condition : SATISFACTORY Bibliographic Reference: 1) 1935, Volume 84 (Insula XV, St. Albans) 2) 1953, Volume 110 (Dinedor) 3) 1953, Volume 110 (Credenhill Camp) 4) 1939, Volume 5 (The Wrekin) 5) 1980, Volume 60 (Wroxeter) 6) 1950, Volume 26 (Breedon-on-the-Hill) 7) Excavations at Jewry wall Site, Leicester, Report No.15, 1948


This Collection is divided into 1 Child Series
This Collection contains the following materials:
Photograph (Negative): 476
Photograph (Negative): 19
Photograph (Print): 235
Photograph (Print): 979
Annotated Map: 10
Drawing: 1
Excavation Plan: 9
Measured Drawing: 10
Measured Drawing: 566
Card Index: 356
Catalogue: 13
Correspondence: 114
Loose Notes: 1,476
Loose Notes: 112
Manuscript: 74
Notebook: 7
Pamphlet: 7
Miscellaneous: 4
Miscellaneous: 1
Table: 33


© Crown Copyright. Historic England Archive

© Hereford City Library

© Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England


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Creator of Archive: Kenyon, Kathleen Mary


Iron Age Hillfort, Roman Town, Roman Settlement, Iron Age Oppidum