Collection: Photographs of shops and shop fronts

1900 - 1969
Collection containing Photographic material
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The collection comprises mainly black and white photographic prints showing various shops and shop fronts, particularly tobacconists, taken by a variety of photographers and collated by an unknown collector. Included are:

•An album of 76 prints. Each page features an exterior and interior view of shops run by tobacconists House of Bewley. The majority show shops in the south east of England with limited national coverage. They were probably taken in the 1950s. (SHC01/01).

•20 black and white photographic postcard prints showing interiors and exteriors of shops with shop fronts fabricated by SEM Ltd. They were probably taken in the 1930s. (SHC01/02).

•6 glass plate negatives and 2 copy prints made from them showing interiors and exteriors of a branch of department store Plummer Roddis. They were taken in about 1909. (SHC01/03).

•3 prints showing branches of the London Central Meat Co. Ltd that were probably taken in the 1940s. (SHC01/04).

•11 prints showing exteriors of tobacconist shops including branches of W F Jolly and Hobson and Son Ltd, probably taken in the East Midlands in the 1930s. (SHC01/05).

•6 postcard prints showing various shops and an exhibition stand at Olympia that were probably taken between 1900 and 1934. (SHC01/06).

•5 prints (2 duplicates) showing shop windows of branches of the Scotch Wool and Hosiery Stores at unidentified locations. (SHC01/07).

•7 prints showing the interior of an unidentified shop with goods on display, probably dating from the 1930s. (SHC01/08).

•20 miscellaneous prints showing exterior and interior views of unidentified shops, and details showing shop window displays. These are undated but are likely to range in date from approximately 1940 – 1965. (SHC01/09).

In addition there are some single miscellaneous items comprising: a group photograph showing children representing different societies and clubs holding placards; a print showing the exterior of the Regal Cinema, Edmonton; and an illustrated completion prize card relating to the Southampton Fur and Feather Fanciers Association. (SHC01/10).

Archival History

The collection was acquired by the Historic England Archive in 2015.


This Collection is divided into 10 Child Series
This Collection contains the following materials:
Photograph (Negative): 6
Photograph (Print): 153
Photograph Album: 1


Source: Historic England Archive

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