Detail of the 'Richardson Candle' street lamp on Trinity Street outside St. Michael's Church

27 Jan 2014
'Richardson Candle' Street Lamp, Trinity Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2 1SU
Photograph (Digital)
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Sir Albert Richardson was commissioned to design bespoke new street lighting for the city of Cambridge in 1957. Richardson had been vocal about his distain for modern street lighting, describing a newly installed concrete street lamp outside his Bedfordshire home 'a monstrosity'. His vertical tubular lantern was a refinement of the rejected REVO Electrical Company's 'REVO Festival' model and this company was commisioned to manufacture and install his design. The street lamps became known as Richardson Candles and were soon accepted as part of the city's historic street scene. Nearly half survive and all have Listed Building status.


This is part of the Job: 2K/20313 'Richardson Candles', Cambridge, Cambridgeshire; within the Volume: VF000147 Post-War Buildings (English Architecture: 1945-1975); within the Series: EHC01/041 English Architecture: 1945 - 1975; within the Collection: EHC01 English Heritage(EH):Archive


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Davies, James O: English Heritage

Architect: Richardson, Albert Edward


Mid 20th Century Street Lamp