St Agnes Home For Compassion For Children Including Stable Block / Home Of Compassion

12 Jun 2000
St Agnes Home For Compassion For Children Including Stable Block, High Street, Esher, Elmbridge, Surrey, KT10 9QX
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Home Of Compassion, 58 High Street, Esher, Elmbridge, Surrey, KT10 9QX
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.

TQ 16 NE HIGH STREET Thames Ditton 374/3/191 Number 58, 14.08.1953 Home of Compassion


House, now nursing home. Circa 1786 for the Hon Charlotte Boyle Walsingham with decorative interior work by her daughter, Charlotte Boyle Walsingham; c 1840 alterations and additions for Lord St Leonards; c1893 further alterations including ref acing and additions, for H Manwaring Robertson; c 1905 loggia; 11orth conservatory 1993. Red brick; hipped slate roofs with dentilled brick stacks to centre and ends. Entrance (south) elevation: 2-storeys and attic; 7 bays arranged 2, 3, 2 with projecting 2- storey, 1-bay side wings. Corniced loggia with arched glazed doors across centre and left bays. String above 1st floor. Wooden bracketed eaves. Brick quoins to side-wings and to projecting pedimented centre which has keyed oculus. 12-pane sashes and 9-pane sashes to attic, all under gauged brick arches with keystones and Projecting cills. Garden (north) elevation: central 3-storey bow with dentilled cornice and paterae band to 1st floor, tal11st-floor sashes opening onto balcony, and late-C20 conservatory to ground floor. Flanking bays and projecting 2-storey, 3-bay side-wings have ground floor windows in arched recesses. Interior: 1st floor library has decorative work by Charlotte Boyle Walsingham: panelled cupboards with glass and gilt pilasters which have anthemion capitals and support a cornice with roundels and garlands; similarly-treated entrance; decorative ceiling cornice; marble fireplace. 2-storey entrance hall with Ionic columns and pilasters. Some reset C18 balusters at attic landing of main stair; small section ofC18 stair up to roof. Traceried oval dome over staircase; decorative glazing bars to internal fanlights. The house was renamed the Home of Compassion after its acquisition in 1905 by the Church of England Community of the Compassion of Jesus

Listing NGR: TQ1386964673


This is part of the Series: IOE01/1920 IOE Records taken by John Sparks; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr John Sparks. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Sparks, John

Rights Holder: Sparks, John


Brick, Slate, Georgian House, Monument (By Form), Domestic, Dwelling, Nursing Home, Health And Welfare, Residential Building, Conservatory, Gardens Parks And Urban Spaces, Glasshouse, Garden Building