Devon Hotel

11 Sep 2000
Devon Hotel, Lyme Road, Uplyme, East Devon, Devon
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.

SY 3293 UPLYME LYME ROAD 27/595 Devon Hotel


Hotel, formerly rectory. C18/early C19 former rectory with later C19 extensions.

Stuccoed house. Slate roof with gabled ends and bracketed eaves soffit. Two storeys and attic. Three bays. Large sash windows with glazing bars. Large modern glazed porch to left. Segmental headed attic sash in gable end with gothick glazing bars. Rendered ridge chimney stacks. Wing to left hand (west) and rear (north) latr C19, two storeys, three bays, corner pilasters with key pattern. Late C19 pierced quatrefoil parapet and large stone ground floor bay window with similar parapets. Interior: Reused C17 carved panelling to overmantel in reception room.

Dining room in late C19 Jacobean style with dado panelling with finials, overmantel, overdoor and panelled coved ceiling with pendants. In the cellar a heavy chamfered ceiling beam.

Listing NGR: SY3266493240


This is part of the Series: IOE01/1318 IOE Records taken by John Marriage; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© John Marriage. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Marriage, John

Rights Holder: Marriage, John


Slate, Stucco, Stuart Vicarage, Georgian Domestic, Victorian Clergy House, Clerical Dwelling, House, Dwelling, Hostel, Commercial, Residential Building