Blubberhouses Hall, Now Venture House

4 Sep 2000
Blubberhouses Hall, Now Venture House, Hall Lane, Blubberhouses, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, LS21 2NX
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.

BLUBBERHOUSES HALL LANE SE 15 NE (north side) 2/17 Blubberhouses Hall, now Venture House GV II

House. Mid C19 for Lady Frankland, possibly by E B Lamb. Coursed squared gritstone, graduated stone slate roof. 2 storeys, 4 bays, with 2-storey gabled porch bay 3 and corbelled first-floor gable bay 1. In Elizabethan style. Plinth. South front has chamfered doorcase to porch and central 4- light chamfered mullion window , both below relieving arches, and bay window to left of 3-lights flanked by lower single lights, all under stone roof.

Above two 2-light chamfered mullion windows and similar 3-light window to left, all but central window below relieving arches. Projecting quoined stack to right of porch with 3 tall flues, single tall stack to left of porch and tall gable stack to left. Right return has ground-floor bay window with 4-light chamfered mullion window, similar 3-light window over and further 2-light window in gable. The hall was used as a shooting box by Lord Walsingham, the grandson of Lady Frankland who was also the patron of St Andrews Church (qv). E Bogg, Higher Wharfedale, 1904, p 45.

Listing NGR: SE1666355418


This is part of the Series: IOE01/2079 IOE Records taken by John Turner; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr John Turner. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Turner, John

Rights Holder: Turner, John


Gritstone (Sandstone), Stone, Georgian House, Victorian Monument (By Form), Domestic, Dwelling