36 Market Hill / 36 And 38 Market Hill

6 Mar 2003
36 Market Hill, Maldon, Essex, CM9 4QA
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36 And 38 Market Hill, Maldon, Essex, CM9 4QA
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.


TL8507SW MARKET HILL 574-1/7/173 (South East side) 02/10/51 No.36 (Formerly Listed as: MARKET HILL (East side) Nos.36 & 38)


House. Late C17 or early C18. Timber-framed and rendered with gabled M-profile, machine-made plain tile roof. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys with attic; 2-window range. One gabled dormer with a 2-light C20 casement window. Moulded timber eaves continuous with that of adjacent house. 1st floor has one 16-pane sash with moulded surround and one 8-pane sash window. Ground floor has 24-pane C20 oriel bow window with reeded surround, a replica of that previously existing. Simple open-pedimented doorcase to passage and side entrance. The rear elevation has one gabled dormer with 2-light casement and 16-pane and 8-pane sash window on the 1st floor. The rear door to passage has 4 raised-and-fielded panels in heavy frame, and there is a C20 entrance door and tripartite small-paned sash window. The north-east flank of passage is of white weatherboarding and it is paved in bricks on edge. INTERIOR: good quality late timber-frame with twin chamfered spine beams.

Listing NGR: TL8505807282


This is part of the Series: IOE01/1099 IOE Records taken by Michael James; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr Michael James. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: James, Michael

Rights Holder: James, Michael


Brick, Render, Tile, Timber, Weatherboard, Stuart Timber Framed House, Georgian Monument (By Form), Timber Framed Building, House, Domestic, Dwelling