Middle Luscombe / Skindles Farmhouse

1 Aug 2002
Middle Luscombe, Harberton, South Hams, Devon, TQ9 7HT
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Skindles Farmhouse, Harberton, South Hams, Devon, TQ9 7HT
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.

HARBERTON SX75NE LUSCOMBE 5/435 Skindles Farmhouse


House, formerly a farmhouse known as Middle Luscombe. Circa early C17.

Colour-washed stone rubble. Asbestos slate roof with gabled ends.

Massive rendered axial stack to right of ridge and gable end stacks, the lower left hand gable end stack projects and has set offs.

Plan: Three room and through passage plan lower end to the left, axial stack at inner end of hall and gable end stack heating lower end and inner rooms. The lower end room was possibly originally the parlour or changed to the parlour when the kitchen wing was added to the rear of the higher end in circa C18 or early C19. The stack at the higher gable end was possibly added about this time and in circa early C19 the passage was widened and a stair tower built of the back of the passage. The 2- storey porch at the front of the passage is C17.

Exterior: 2 storeys. Long three-window range. Original window openings with original chamfered timber lintels with long scroll or step stops, the central hall window lintel is rendered. All C19 3-light casements with glazing bars, except for first floor centre which is late C18 or early C19 4-light casement, two lights with leaded panes. Similar first floor right hand window but partly blocked. The only original window on the front is ground floor right to inner room which has 4-light ovolo moulded timber frame. Passage doorway to left of centre has C17 stone porch with finely dressed slate round arch with imposts. Inner door frame has hollow and ovolo moulding with baluster stops, massive nail studded plank door with wrought iron hinges. The porch is two storeys in height with a raking asbestos slate roof, but there are no first floor windows.

Rear: 3-light ovolo moulded timber window with stanchion bars to first floor of lower right hand end. Two storey lean-to roof stair tower addition at centre and gable ended kitchen wing to left, at higher end.

Apart from the lower end first floor window all the other rear windows are C19 casements with glazing bars.

Interior: Lower side of passage has section of C17 plank and muntin screen, the muntins have scratch mouldings. Hall fireplace, with an oven, at inner end of hall, has ovolo moulded timber lintel with barred run out stops. Hall ceiling plastered. Roughly chamfered ceiling beam in inner room which has fireplace in end wall with replaced lintel.

Fireplace in lower end room has ovolo moulded timber lintel with barred run out stops. Early Cl9 stairs with stick balusters and square newels, inserted into rear of passage which was widened by moving the hall screen which is now a plastered stud partition. Another later partition in stair hall at bottom of stairs.

Roof: Much rearranged structure but some C17 principal rafters survive which have holes for threaded purlins which are missing, and pegged lap jointed apexes and collars.

Listing NGR: SX7953257085


This is part of the Series: IOE01/1156 IOE Records taken by Robert W Keniston; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr Robert W Keniston. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Keniston, Robert W

Rights Holder: Keniston, Robert W


Asbestos, Rubble, Stone, Tudor House, Elizabethan Monument (By Form), Stuart Domestic, Jacobean Dwelling, Farmhouse, Agricultural Dwelling, Agriculture And Subsistence, Farm Building, Agricultural Building