Tithe Barn

21 Mar 2003
Tithe Barn, Church Street, Abbotsbury, West Dorset, Dorset, DT3 4JJ
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.


10/20 Tithe Barn 26.1.56 GV I

Tithe Barn, formerly of Abbotsbury abbey. c1400. Ashlar walls, weathered to dressed stone. Thatch roof, originally stone-slab, covering the 12 bays of the south-west end. Remaining 11 bays unroofed since C17. North wall from the sixth to eleventh bay is destroyed. High plinth moulding carried round buttresses.

Buttresses form bay divisions, one high set-off and embattled pedestals above the parapet. These survive at south west gable-end as right-angle and central table buttresses, latter with a niched finial. Buttresses cut back with set-offs through rest of building, when converted to a thatch roof. Alternate bays of south wall with narrow loops, splayed internally. 6 loops graduated in size on south west gable. Porches, originally two, one survives at bay 16 (N), with opposing projecting entrances, bays 8 and 16. Moulded parapet across south west gable survives and on south wall where plain stone spouts survive at bays 17, 20 and 21. Two-storey porch (bay 16), with diagonal buttresses crenellated parpet, and stone-coped gable.

Tall 4-centred archway of 2 straight-chamfered orders. Stone newel-staircase in angle with barn has 2 exits at parapet level, formerly to walkways. Interior of porch formerly vaulted, corbels and springers of a quadripartite rib vault remain.

Projecting and opposing entrances on the south wall had formerly 4-centred and chamfered openings, eastern blocked, western partly destroyed and altered. Both have low gabled stone roofs and large segmental rere-arches. North wall of thatched barn, with ashlar blocking, possibly C17. Interior, roof-construction of principals with halved collars, projecting ashlaring carried on very short hammer-beams. No purlins. C17. Arch-braced collar trusses survive in porch, eight very closely set with ashlaring and clasped purlins, c.C14.

Scheduled Ancient Monument. (RCHM, Dorset I, p.6 (3).)

Listing NGR: SY5772385090


This is part of the Series: IOE01/0137 IOE Records taken by Derek Beauchamp; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr Derek Beauchamp. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Beauchamp, Derek

Rights Holder: Beauchamp, Derek


Ashlar, Stone, Thatch, Timber, Medieval Abbey, Religious Ritual And Funerary, Religious House, Benedictine Monastery, Monastery, Tithe Barn, Agriculture And Subsistence, Barn, Farm Building, Agricultural Building