Brewery And Adjoining Store To South-East Of The Three Tuns Inn

13 May 2005
Brewery And Adjoining Store To South-East Of The Three Tuns Inn, Salop Street, Bishops Castle, South Shropshire, Shropshire, SY9 5BW
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.

SO 3288 BISHOP'S CASTLE C.P. SALOP STREET (south side) 12/69 Brewery and adjoining store to south-east of the Three Tuns Inn GV II Tower brewery and store. Between 1880 and 1888, enlargement of late- C17 building. Timber framed with painted brick nogging, coursed limestone rubble plinth and end wall to left, red brick to right, and slate roofs. L-plan; 1 framed bay store to left and gabled tower brewery at right-angles to right. Framing: square panels, 3 up to wall plate. Store: 2 storeys Lateral brick stack to rear.

First floor window to left and central boarded loft door; ground floor boarded double doors off-centre to left, and boarded segmental- headed doors to right. Tower brewery: 3 storeys, and attic. Semi- integral transverse brick stack to left, stack to rear, and louvred gabled ridge-vent. Segmental-headed boarded loft door in gable-end with bracketed hoist balcony; 2 tall second floor segmental-headed 2-light small-paned windows; 3 tall first floor segmental-headed windows with louvres below and 2 opening panes above; central ground floor segmental-headed boarded double doors. Painted lettering on second floor: "THREE/TUNS/BREWERY". Interior: known as a tower brewery because it is gravity fed, the building retains most of its original fittings, including the grit hoppers and liquor tank in the attic, the mash tank on the second floor, the steam boiler and rare open copper cooler (current regulations demand enclosed coolers) on the first floor, and fermenting vats on the ground floor; empty and full barrels are kept in store to left. This is a rare survival of a working small rural brewery. The late-C17 timber framed block to left has a complete set of carpenter's marks.

Listing NGR: SO3243888969


This is part of the Series: IOE01/1970 IOE Records taken by Richard Summers; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr Richard Summers. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Summers, Richard

Rights Holder: Summers, Richard


Brick, Limestone, Rubble, Slate, Timber, Stuart Timber Framed Building, Monument (By Form), Brewery, Industrial, Brewing And Malting Site, Food And Drink Industry Site