Well Farmhouse And Adjoining Shippon To East

6 Mar 2006
Well Farmhouse And Adjoining Shippon To East, North Tamerton, North Cornwall, Cornwall, EX22 6RX
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.

NORTH TAMERTON NORTH TAMERTON SX 39 NW 8/29 Well Farmhouse and adjoining shippon to east


Farmhouse. Circa C16 altered late C17 (concealed, rendered over, datestone 1669) and restored 1982. Roughcast cob and stone rubble. Corrugated iron roof with gabled lower end (right) and hipped higher end (left). Long single depth plan, probably originally 3 rooms and cross or through passage plan, and possibly having open hall, now floored. 2-storeys. Asymmetrical 3 window range. C19 2-light casements with glazing bars. Right-hand ground floor room at lower end has sash.

Doorway to right of centre (possibly to former through/cross passage) with C19/20 glazed porch with shaped bargeboards. Rendered axial stack backing onto passage and later stack at lower gable end. Lateral stack over rear wall of upper end.

Projecting wing at front of higher end. Shippon projecting at right angles to rear of lower end with hipped roof. Interior: 2 cruck trusses, probably raised crucks, with trenched purlins and diagonal ridge piece. Some evidence of smoke -blackening in roof. Roughly hewn, closely spaced beams (some replaced) in ground floor room at east end.

Listing NGR: SX3136897323


This is part of the Series: IOE01/0597 IOE Records taken by Kenneth D'Maurney-Gibbons; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr Kenneth D'Maurney-Gibbons. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: D'maurney-Gibbons, Kenneth

Rights Holder: D'maurney-Gibbons, Kenneth


Cob, Iron, Render, Roughcast, Rubble, Stone, Timber, Medieval Farmhouse, Tudor Domestic, Elizabethan Agricultural Dwelling, Dwelling, House, Agriculture And Subsistence, Farm Building, Agricultural Building, Cow House, Animal Shed