The Finishers Arms (Number 487) And Numbers 489-493

The Finishers Arms (Number 487) And Numbers 489-493, 487-493 Church Street, Bolton, Greater Manchester
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.


SD61SE CHURCH ROAD 797-1/1/68 (South side) 26/04/74 Nos.487-493 (Odd) The Finishers' Arms (No.487)


Public house and terrace of 3 houses. c1830. Coursed and squared rubble with stone flagged roofs. EXTERIOR AND PLAN: public house and adjacent house which is now part of the pub form a separate phase of building. 2 storeys, 4-window range, originally comprising 2 single units.

Entrance to public house with window to left with smoked glass, then 2 windows, that to left originally a doorway. End wall stacks. Nos 489-493 form another, and probably later phase of building: also 2 storeys, 6-window range, with central entrances. Windows formerly 2-pane sashes but many now renewed in original openings with wedge lintels. Window openings themselves modified in No.493. Doorways in moulded architraves, the doors probably c1930, panelled and with oval windows. Axial stacks in hipped roof. INTERIOR: not inspected.

Listing NGR: SD6911510658


This is part of the Series: IOE01/1091 IOE Records taken by Pamela Jackson; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Ms Pamela Jackson. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Jackson, Pamela

Rights Holder: Jackson, Pamela


Rubble, Stone, Georgian Terrace, Victorian Domestic, Multiple Dwelling, Dwelling, Terraced House, Monument (By Form), House, Public House, Commercial, Licensed Premises, Eating And Drinking Establishment, Recreational