The opening ceremony for the Bull Ring Centre, showing HRH Prince Philip and company walking down the spiral ramp as a huge crowd watches

29 May 1964
Bull Ring Centre, Bull Ring, Birmingham, Birmingham
Photograph (Negative)
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On 29th May 1964, His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, opened the Bull Ring Centre. The Duke toured the site, meeting various people along the way and unveiling a commemorative plaque in the Centre Court. A formal lunch was then held in his honour at the Mecca Banqueting Hall; part of the new Bull Ring development. Approximately 400 guests attended, including the Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Alderman F. Price, and William Kirby Laing, and speeches about the scheme were delivered. The ceremony was held on Oak Apple Day, an old public holiday on 29th May commemorating the restoration of the English monarchy. An oak apple spray was therefore presented to the Duke to wear on the lapel of his suit jacket.

This image was catalogued as part of the Breaking New Ground Project in partnership with the John Laing Charitable Trust in 2019-20.


This is part of the Series: JLP01/08 John Laing Photographic Collection Black and White Negatives; within the Collection: JLP01 John Laing Photographic Collection


© Historic England Archive. John Laing Photographic Collection


Mid 20th Century Shopping Centre, Ceremony, People, Royalty