Nurses on stationary cycles in gym at the new Albert Dock Hospital

22 Sep 1938
Albert Dock Hospital, Alnwick Road, Newham, Greater London Authority
Photograph (Print)
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The original caption may contain language which is historic and which may no longer be considered appropriate. It has been retained in the record in the interest of historical accuracy.

The caption on the reverse of the photograph reads: “Queen Mary to open new seamen’s hospital. The new Albert Dock Hospital, London, E., a branch of The Seamen’s Hospital Society, will be opened by Queen Mary, Patroness of the Society, on Oct. 21st. The old hospital was condemned as unfit owing to soil subsidence in 1935 and the construction of the new building began early in 1937. In proportion there are far more out-patients treated at the Albert Dock Hospital than at any of the other hospitals of the Seamen’s Hospital Society. This is due in a large measure to the accidents which occur in the loading and unloading of ships and, of course, to sailors while they are at sea. As a result special attention is being paid to the plans for a model Fracture Clinic and Re-habilitation Centre which will be the first complete unit of its kind in the country. Facilities will be available in a specially equipped gymnasium for competitive exercises and games. At least one full meal each day will be given to injured patients under re-habilitation, which is an entirely new departure in hospital treatment. The new hospital has 55 beds, compared with 33 at the old building, and has cost approximately £85,000, of which £10,000 is still urgently required. Photo shows:- Nurses trying out cycles in the Lord Nuffield Gymnasium in the new Albert Dock Hospital.”

The hospital was opened in 1890 as a branch of the Dreadnought Seamen’s Hospital, Greenwich. It was relocated to Alnwick Road in 1938. See also MED01/01/0007-0009. High-resolution copies of this image are available for free for non-commercial use. Please Enquire to place an order.


This is part of the Series: MED01/01 Series of prints; within the Collection: MED01 Topical Press Agency Medical Collection


Source: Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Topical Press Agency Limited

Photographer: Harrison, Norman Kingsley


Seamens Hospital, Health And Welfare, Women's History