Sisters and pupil midwives on the steps of the Barratt Maternity Home

19 Feb 1941
BARRATT MATERNITY HOME, CHEYNE WALK, Northampton, Northamptonshire
Photograph (Print)
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The original caption may contain language which is historic and which may no longer be considered appropriate. It has been retained in the record in the interest of historical accuracy.

The caption on the reverse of the photograph reads: “Northampton General Hospital. Picture shows the Sisters and pupil midwives of the Barratt Maternity Home at the Northampton General Hospital. The Home in charge of Sister E. Hague (centre).”

The Barratt Maternity Home opened in 1936 after a donation from benefactor William Barratt and at first provided 34 beds for ante- and post-natal patient, a nursery, and a labour ward. Midwifery training was divided into two parts in 1938, and establishments were approved to provide training in one or both: Part I was primarily theoretical, based in hospitals and was assessed by examinations; Part II was largely practical, and allowed pupils to demonstrate competence and to link theory with practice. In 1938 the Barratt Maternity Home was approved as a Midwifery Training School to provide Part I of the training. Miss Eleanor Hague, who had qualified as a midwife in 1933, was appointed by the Central Midwives’ Board as the Approved Teacher; in 1943 she received her Midwife’s Teacher’s Diploma. Later, Miss Hague became Matron of the Barratt Maternity Home and is regarded by some as the “Mother of Midwifery” in Northamptonshire. See also MED01/01/1520-1531. High-resolution copies of this image are available for free for non-commercial use. Please Enquire to place an order.


This is part of the Series: MED01/01 Series of prints; within the Collection: MED01 Topical Press Agency Medical Collection


Source: Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Topical Press Agency Limited

Photographer: Harrison, Norman Kingsley


Maternity Hospital, Health And Welfare, People Posed, Women's History