Copy of a hand-tinted plan, section and elevation of a large window for the reading room in the planned canteen and recreation block with later pencil additions

10 Dec 1867
Dover Castle, Canteen And Recreation Rooms, Dover, Kent
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Dover Castle, Regimental Institute, Dover, Kent
Measured Drawing
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There are a few measurements and later pencil notes of materials to be used but these are not comprehensive.

The plan and elevation have both had details of the wooden framing for the window glass added in pencil. Two of the sections of window tracery on the elevation have had detailed measurements added in pencil. The plan was signed by three officers between the 10th December 1867 and 14th March 1868. It is number eleven of the original job and is Similar to MP/DOV0181.


This is part of the Job: PF/DOV/004 Plans, sections and elevations of the Canteen and Recreation Rooms, Dover Castle; within the Volume: PF/DOV Dover Castle, Kent; within the Series: EHC01/022 English Heritage Plans and Measured Drawings; within the Collection: EHC01 English Heritage(EH):Archive


© Crown copyright

People & Organisations

Creator of Archive: Royal Engineers


Traceried Head Window, Victorian Canteen