Job: New Briggate, Leeds, West Yorkshire

18 Jul 2019
New Briggate, Leeds
Job containing Electronic material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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For 'HAR 2019'. Photographer's note: 'The Conservation Area will be an addition to the HAR Register in 2019. At the northern extremity of one of Leeds' main shopping streets, it has suffered from unauthorised works to shopfronts, upper floor vacancy and been blighted by being a de facto mini-transport interchange. The extent of disrepair, inappropriate change, vacancy, underuse, and loss of architectural detail is having a negative impact on the area putting it at risk. A recent survey showed only 17% of buildings to be in a ‘good’ condition, inappropriate change affects 81% of properties, and vacancy affects 31%.'


This is part of the Volume: VF000004 Heritage at Risk; within the Series: EHC01/176 Heritage at Risk; within the Collection: EHC01 English Heritage(EH):Archive

This Job is divided into 13 Child Records
This Job contains the following materials:
Photograph (Digital): 13


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Bull, Alun: Historic England


Urban Landscape, Street Scene